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2013 Green Climate Fund(GCF 포럼) 소개!
2013.04.02, 00:38:04   코리아토인비 추천수 :  |  조회수 : 3297


July 12-14, 2013

Songdo International City, Korea



. Introduction


The historic decision to locate the Green Climate Fund in Songdo International City in the Republic of Korea presents a remarkable opportunity to discuss the significance of significance of this commitment on the part of the international community to address environmental issues. The Asia Institute and HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership) Korea announce an unprecedented youth climate summit that brings together the most capable and passionate high school students to debate thoughtfully the future of the environment, the significance of the Green Climate Fund and the role that youth can play, starting today, to address climate issues. The 2013 GCF Youth Climate Summit brings two Harvard Professors together with Professors from Seoul National University and Kyung Hee University for a challenging and inspiring set of exercises, lectures and debates about climate issues and the role of youth that will inspire and prepare the next generation.


The GCF Youth Climate Summit consists of the following activities:


1. Lectures

Invited lectures by outstanding experts on environmental and policy issues, culture and climate, leadership, personal development, and inspirational volunteerism that provide students with an extraordinary opportunity for direct interaction. 


2. Leadership Dynamics

A series of activities, simulations and games designed to forge close relations between students and encourage leadership skills among participants.


3. Responding to Real Issues

The symposium demands that participating youth wrestle with actual issues and current policy challenges, working closely together with each other and representatives from international NGOs and the United Nations Environment Programme.


4. Additional activities

Youth will have the unique opportunity to engage in intense group discussions with other outstanding young people from around the world and to compete through presentations and other applied exercises.


. Speakers


Professor Marc Shell, Comparative Literature; Associate of Harvard Center for the Environment, Harvard University

Professor Marc Shell is the author of eleven books and a world-renowned scholar of literature, culture, economics and comparative culture. Professor Shell is best known for his writings on the cultural and literary status of money and his creative approach to the history of finance. He serves as an Associate of the Harvard Center for the environment.

Professor Michael Puett, Harvard University, Professor of Chinese History

Professor Puett is an expert on traditional Chinese history and culture with a deep interest in the intellectual traditions of Asia and their significance for the current age.

Professor Emanuel Pastreich, Director of the Asia Institute & Professor of Kyung Hee University

Professor Pastreich is a professor of Kyung Hee University and the Director of the Asia Institute. He has written extensively about East Asian culture, international relations and environmental issues in East Asia.

Professor Zhu Feng, Peking University, Deputy Director of the Center for International and Strategic Studies

Professor Zhu Feng writes on international relations and regional security for East Asia His books include International Relations Theory and East Asian Security and China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and Future of International politics

Professor John Treat, Yale University, Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture

Professor John Treat is an expert in Japanese and Korean literature and culture who served previously as editor of the Journal of Japanese Studies. He has written extensively on Asian culture and the responsibility of the intellectual in society.

Professor Johannes Maximilian Tschapka, Geography Education, Seoul National University

Professor Tschapka is an expert on environmental education who has developed innovative approaches to engaging youth.



Awards for outstanding participants include:

           HOBY Foundation World Headquarters representative award

           United States HOBY Foundation Youth Council representative award



HOBY Korea











[Friday, July 12]

10:00 – 01:00 pm

Students land at Incheon International Airport

(Pickup; departure for Songdo)

01:00 – 03:00 pm

Arrival at dormitory; registration and room assignment; general orientation

03:00 – 04:00 pm

Opening ceremony; program orientation; assignment of counselors

Address by VIP from Green Climate Fund

05:00 – 06:30 pm

First Lecture

“Environment and the future: the role of the next generation”

by Professor John Treat, Yale University

06:30 – 07:45 pm


07:45 – 09:00 pm

Formation of teams and interviews

09:00 – 11:30 pm


11:30 - 12:00 am

Closing remarks for the day and reflection

12:00 am


[Saturday, July 13]

07:30 - 09:00 am


09:00 - 10:00 am

Essay writing

10:00 - 12:00 pm

Second Lecture

“Culture and Climate: What Youth Need to Know”

by Professor Michael Puett, Harvard University

12:00 - 01:00 pm


01:00 - 03:00 pm

Discussions on set topics

03:00 - 05:00 pm

Third Lecture

“Culture, Climate and the Role of Youth”

by Professor Marc Shell, Harvard University

05:00 - 07:00 pm

Fourth Lecture

“The Politics of Climate Change”

by Professor Zhu Feng, Peking University

07:00 - 09:00 pm

Dinner (Remarks by Professor Michael Puett)


July 12-14, 2013

Songdo International City, Korea



. Introduction


The historic decision to locate the Green Climate Fund in Songdo International City in the Republic of Korea presents a remarkable opportunity to discuss the significance of significance of this commitment on the part of the international community to address environmental issues. The Asia Institute and HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership) Korea announce an unprecedented youth climate summit that brings together the most capable and passionate high school students to debate thoughtfully the future of the environment, the significance of the Green Climate Fund and the role that youth can play, starting today, to address climate issues. The 2013 GCF Youth Climate Summit brings two Harvard Professors together with Professors from Seoul National University and Kyung Hee University for a challenging and inspiring set of exercises, lectures and debates about climate issues and the role of youth that will inspire and prepare the next generation.


The GCF Youth Climate Summit consists of the following activities:


1. Lectures

Invited lectures by outstanding experts on environmental and policy issues, culture and climate, leadership, personal development, and inspirational volunteerism that provide students with an extraordinary opportunity for direct interaction. 


2. Leadership Dynamics

A series of activities, simulations and games designed to forge close relations between students and encourage leadership skills among participants.


3. Responding to Real Issues

The symposium demands that participating youth wrestle with actual issues and current policy challenges, working closely together with each other and representatives from international NGOs and the United Nations Environment Programme.


4. Additional activities

Youth will have the unique opportunity to engage in intense group discussions with other outstanding young people from around the world and to compete through presentations and other applied exercises.


. Speakers


Professor Marc Shell, Comparative Literature; Associate of Harvard Center for the Environment, Harvard University

Professor Marc Shell is the author of eleven books and a world-renowned scholar of literature, culture, economics and comparative culture. Professor Shell is best known for his writings on the cultural and literary status of money and his creative approach to the history of finance. He serves as an Associate of the Harvard Center for the environment.

Professor Michael Puett, Harvard University, Professor of Chinese History

Professor Puett is an expert on traditional Chinese history and culture with a deep interest in the intellectual traditions of Asia and their significance for the current age.

Professor Emanuel Pastreich, Director of the Asia Institute & Professor of Kyung Hee University

Professor Pastreich is a professor of Kyung Hee University and the Director of the Asia Institute. He has written extensively about East Asian culture, international relations and environmental issues in East Asia.

Professor Zhu Feng, Peking University, Deputy Director of the Center for International and Strategic Studies

Professor Zhu Feng writes on international relations and regional security for East Asia His books include International Relations Theory and East Asian Security and China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and Future of International politics

Professor John Treat, Yale University, Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture

Professor John Treat is an expert in Japanese and Korean literature and culture who served previously as editor of the Journal of Japanese Studies. He has written extensively on Asian culture and the responsibility of the intellectual in society.

Professor Johannes Maximilian Tschapka, Geography Education, Seoul National University

Professor Tschapka is an expert on environmental education who has developed innovative approaches to engaging youth.



Awards for outstanding participants include:

           HOBY Foundation World Headquarters representative award

           United States HOBY Foundation Youth Council representative award



HOBY Korea











[Friday, July 12]

10:00 – 01:00 pm

Students land at Incheon International Airport

(Pickup; departure for Songdo)

01:00 – 03:00 pm

Arrival at dormitory; registration and room assignment; general orientation

03:00 – 04:00 pm

Opening ceremony; program orientation; assignment of counselors

Address by VIP from Green Climate Fund

05:00 – 06:30 pm

First Lecture

“Environment and the future: the role of the next generation”

by Professor John Treat, Yale University

06:30 – 07:45 pm


07:45 – 09:00 pm

Formation of teams and interviews

09:00 – 11:30 pm


11:30 - 12:00 am

Closing remarks for the day and reflection

12:00 am


[Saturday, July 13]

07:30 - 09:00 am


09:00 - 10:00 am

Essay writing

10:00 - 12:00 pm

Second Lecture

“Culture and Climate: What Youth Need to Know”

by Professor Michael Puett, Harvard University

12:00 - 01:00 pm


01:00 - 03:00 pm

Discussions on set topics

03:00 - 05:00 pm

Third Lecture

“Culture, Climate and the Role of Youth”

by Professor Marc Shell, Harvard University

05:00 - 07:00 pm

Fourth Lecture

“The Politics of Climate Change”

by Professor Zhu Feng, Peking University

07:00 - 09:00 pm

Dinner (Remarks by Professor Michael Puett)

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