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2009.08.30, 14:11:51   beautysupplies 추천수 : 0  |  조회수 : 3809
Wholesale Beauty Supplies, Fashion and Hair Accessories

 Individual Eyelashes

Party Eyelashes

Lash Glues and Cases:



뷰티 서플라이, 헤어, 패션아이템 도매.


지방 소매점 및 네일샵과 헤어살롱 서플라이 도매 합니다.

취급품목: 아일래쉬, 아일래쉬 글루등 미용재료.

 팔찌, 목걸이, 이어링등 패션 아이템.

헤어 클립, 헤어 밴드등 헤어 장식품.  

미국 및 해외 주문 환영합니다.  비자, 마스타, 아멕스, 디스커버 카드.  C.O.D. 도 가능합니다.

전화 213.427.0699  팩스 213.427.0398 또는 웹사이트로 주문

www.alliedtrading.com    이메일  sales@alliedtrading.com

Wholesale Sources For Beauty Supplies, fashion and Hair Accesoories.

Distributor's Discounted Beauty Products, Bridal Items, and Fashion Accessories.   www.alliedtrading.com

Beauty Supplies:  False Fake Eyelashes, Human Hair Eyelashes, Individual Lashes, Party Eyelashes, Luxury Glamour lashes, Synthetic Eyelashes, Eyelash Glue, Eyelash Adhesives, Eyelash Cases, Moustaches, Chest hair, Costume Wigs, Eye Lid Jewels

(swarovski, austrian crystals)

Fashion Accessories: Initial Link Charms, cell phone charms, bracelets, ankle bracelets, stud earrings,

Hair Accessories: Hair Barrettes, Bob Pins, Pony O's, hair alligator clip, metal head bands, fabric head bands, metal hair comb, tiaras,   

Bridal Items:  Gloves, Scarves


We ship orders both of domestic and international. We accept VISA, MASTER, AMEX, DISCOVER.  We do C.O.D. MONEY ORDER or CASHIER'S CHECK.

Please visit our web site at www.alliedtrading.com  or call 213.427.0699  fax 213.427.0398

Email sales@alliedtrading.com

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Discounted Beauty Supplies, Discount Individual Eyelashes, Fake Eyelashes, Eyelash Glue, Wholesale Source For Eyelashes, Wholesale Human Hair Eyelashes, www.alliedtrading.com
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"Wholesale Earrings wholesale"

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