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킹 사이즈 베드룸_Clapham North (존2)
2009.06.11, 03:28:28   Uni 추천수 : 0  |  조회수 : 1888

Welcome to the Clean and modern flat in Clapham North!

One large double bedroom (King size bedroom, Wardrobe, Desk and Chair) is available from 20th June.

Transportation - Only 5 min walk from Clapham North station! and just 7 min walk from Clapham Common tube station!

Bus No. 88 (which goes to Trafalgar Sq. West End), Bus No. 137 (which goes to Sloan Sq. and South Kensington) near the Tube station as well!

Brilliant Location - Clapham High Street is just 5 min away by Walk! And Clapham Common Park is just off the high street!

Very safe area and convenient stores (Newsagents, dry cleaners, off licence, general store) are very close by, and so big Sainsbury store, local Sainsbury, Tesco, bar, picture house (luxury cinema), restaurants nearby as well.

Flat - it has two large size bedroom, so you will have a big size of double bedroom (King size bed) and will share this flat only with one female.

Wireless broadband, laminate floors in living room and hall, carpet in the bedrooms, new bathroom with power shower, kitchen with washer/dryer/all basic kinchenware.

Brand new windows, gas central heating.

Additionally, I've lived in London aboug 4 years, moved to this flat for about 1 year now, and just renewed my contract because I love the area + clean flat first of all, and great landlady who really cares about tennants - you know how it could be hard in London...!

The room is ready for viewings, and is ready for rental from 20th June. Early viewing advised as first to see will take.

Deposit : one month rent fee

Monthly rent fee : £620 for single, £720 for couple - excluding bills/council tax

Min Period : 6 months

1 month notice

Look forward to hearing from you!

Very best,


email : sweetyuni@hotmail.com

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